A walk in sands,
Of footsteps gross,
Led to the ocean
That stretched across
Gleaming the landscape
From the shine above
As the footsteps led closer
Occurred there a witness
Of the waves in vastness
Baffled for what was seen;
Arose there a gentle valorous voice
Far beyond the span of Will
To wade across the veil of sight
Into the abode of serene tranquility
Beyond the noise of gross and tides
Where the ocean bore Compassion,
In which deliquesced the witness.
Of footsteps gross,
Led to the ocean
That stretched across
Gleaming the landscape
From the shine above
As the footsteps led closer
Occurred there a witness
Of the waves in vastness
Baffled for what was seen;
Arose there a gentle valorous voice
Far beyond the span of Will
To wade across the veil of sight
Into the abode of serene tranquility
Beyond the noise of gross and tides
Where the ocean bore Compassion,
In which deliquesced the witness.