Sunday, May 5, 2019

The Paradox of Certainty

Of times reflected in Self
Manifest in mind, is it that
There is an absolute certainty -
A mirage of reality mired and mutable
Yet immutable and unfathomable
Dissolving as reality, only
In the sands of time.

The path thus traversed
Appears of a choice made,
Shred and spread in
The spectrum of paradox
Tumbling the dominoes of certainty.
In the boundless topographies
Of chaos; is there an insight into the progeny
Of fractalic chaos unfurling,
Culminating in the stillness of time corporeal;
Brought about through certainty,
Of which Paradox is immanent.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

The Flower

A doorless door opens itself
As life moves beyond
Choices and the categorical imperatives of the mind. That is,
The mind opening beyond its own nature without,
Clinging to anything that it is,
Will it embrace itself completely,
Releasing itself of the cluttering heavy shackles.
Then you really do not mind whatever happens 
As it is beyond the constructs of the mind, yet of the mind.
Because in the tree of consciousness it sees itself, 
Blooming as a flower without any action,
Beyond any temporality as a process in the Consciousness within.