Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Symbol - Sublime

In its ever evading form
It stood as a veil, for
Which it hid the essence
So as to congregate all that
Assist in the path of
The ineffable's call.

It is in the response
That which assist in the process,
Ascend from the very moment,
Shedding their instrumentality in action.
Opening to the transfiguring phase,
In the environment conduced of communion,
Which catapult them to the zenith
Of their purest essence,

In which there dawns
The very elusive nature
Unveiling that which it alluded
Where the one in response to the call,
Muses in himself in totality
The transfiguring charge of Symbol - Sublime.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Beyond the nature
Of surroundings lied there,
That which guarded the very surrounding
But baffled were those that,
Stuck only to the surroundings.

Failed they to see the subtle
That organized all the play
Bound by the instruments of play
Was there a trial to fathom
The very thing that transcended the play

All that are in play
Misted are they in their nature
As like a being in its own shadow
Worried of the dark
Initiates this a struggle in it;

In all its work first as effort
It slowly ascends from effort to effortless
From which it transcends work to action
In the very process deliquescing,
The nature it was bound to,
Opening itself to the One
It always escorted in the Play

Tuesday, August 16, 2016


A walk in sands,
Of footsteps gross,
Led to the ocean
That stretched across
Gleaming the landscape
From the shine above

As the footsteps led closer
Occurred there a witness
Of the waves in vastness
Baffled for what was seen;

Arose there a gentle valorous voice
Far beyond the span of Will
To wade across the veil of sight
Into the abode of serene tranquility
Beyond the noise of gross and tides
Where the ocean bore Compassion,
In which deliquesced the witness.

Sunday, August 7, 2016


In the midst of noise,
Of a great thunder
With vehement rain
There lied a gentle presence
That bore the dance of nature
Rejoicing the moment,
For its freshness which,
Crossed the boundaries of time
Into realms of the eternal.
Such is the state
Gentle and immutable,
Which exists in non existence

Tuesday, August 2, 2016


In the meadows unknown,
Grazing on what there was
To the worries of leftover,
Came there a bright luminescence
Widening that which
Meadow was a part of,
Within whom lied the unfathomable
Immutable presence of which
Grazer was a part, meadow a mere miniscule
Which the presence stood by,
Witnessing the whole.

Monday, July 4, 2016


As how gentle the water seeps,
In through the rocks making its way
So is Eternal self, mute and still,
To permeate the realms of mortality
In the hour of benevolent Grace. 

Sunday, April 3, 2016


In the dance was involved I
Came into such intensity,
That became delusional
Which in the nick of dawn
Post shone like the sun
Revealing the vastness in which
This dance was minuscule
Which was embraced in totality
By the stillness beyond 

Saturday, April 2, 2016


For years that wondered
Looking into the stars,
Gazing into their dim light
Eventually kindled there came,
A light of a kind,
That showed the dullness of vision.
From which arose a knowing
Revealing the light of the star
Within and Without

Thursday, March 24, 2016


For it is before fire
I promised, which burns
Just to purify me.
Consuming in itself,
Lighting my path of,
Further evolution and growth
I have nothing to offer you
But my own life
Guarding your legacy,
So that you burn immensely
Purifying many more souls to come.

Image Courtesy:

Sunday, February 7, 2016


You are sown in Her fertility,
Graced by His light.
Yet you have your own course,
Of ripping yourself apart,
To germinate new form.

You grow in the raw environment
In heavy rains it is that,
You find an opportunity to grow immense
Defying that which pulls you down

Taking in that which flows,
Pushing it to greater heights
Again defying gravity
You learn finding great expression
Within yourself as a bud

With time you nurture it,
Into a finest form as a flower
Within which is the seed of life
Putting yourself into it, all over again

Who are you, where to find you?
You function in such perfection
Expressing yourself time and again
Signifying each time that you are,
The flower of life in complete exuberance.


Image Courtesy:

Saturday, January 30, 2016


Moon follows the sun,
As night follows the day,
Low tides and high tides,
Make up the ocean.

For every green patch
In the woods,
There is a deer.
For each deer, a tiger

For the tiger
Is birth and death
So is, in the nature,
A cycle in existence.

For every problem,
There is a solution,
For in each obstacle,
Lies an opportunity

Like for each man
Waits a woman
As for each form,
There is a counter

Who are we,
To decide good and bad
When existence itself is,
The harmony in union of opposites.

Yin Yang

P.S. Image courtesy

Saturday, January 23, 2016

The Journey In Flow

Just a moon
Reflected in many ponds
She sinks, but 
Is still in heaven.

All those rivers flowing,
Find their way to the ocean.
The birds that fly across,
Find their way to the nest.

Nature never hurries,
Yet everything is accomplished
What are you hurrying for,
Where are you running towards?

It is in still water,
You see yourself
If you can't hear in silence,
It is muted in noise.

Monday, January 18, 2016


The more I talk
The more you listen
The more I listen 
The more you talk

Can we hear more?
Hear the unheard!!
Is there any......
Sound of silence