Moon follows the sun,
As night follows the day,
Low tides and high tides,
Make up the ocean.
For every green patch
In the woods,
There is a deer.
For each deer, a tiger
For the tiger
Is birth and death
So is, in the nature,
A cycle in existence.
For every problem,
There is a solution,
For in each obstacle,
Lies an opportunity
Like for each man
Waits a woman
As for each form,
There is a counter
Who are we,
To decide good and bad
When existence itself is,
The harmony in union of opposites.
As night follows the day,
Low tides and high tides,
Make up the ocean.
For every green patch
In the woods,
There is a deer.
For each deer, a tiger
For the tiger
Is birth and death
So is, in the nature,
A cycle in existence.
For every problem,
There is a solution,
For in each obstacle,
Lies an opportunity
Like for each man
Waits a woman
As for each form,
There is a counter
Who are we,
To decide good and bad
When existence itself is,
The harmony in union of opposites.
Yin Yang
P.S. Image courtesy
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